Reentrant S-wave Superconductivity in the Periodic Anderson Model with Attractive Conduction Band Hubbard Interaction

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Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter
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Institute of Physics Publishing
Spin-flip scattering from magnetic impurities has a strong pair-breaking effect in s-wave superconductors where increasing the concentration of impurities rapidly destroys superconductivity. For small Kondo temperature T K the destruction of superconductivity is preceded by the reentrant superconductivity at finite temperature range T c2 < T < T c1, while the normal phase reappears at T < T c2 ∼ T K. Here we explore the superconducting phase in a periodic system modeled as the Anderson lattice with additional attractive on-site (Hubbard) interaction g acting on the conduction band electrons. We solve the equations using dynamical mean field theory which incorporates Kondo physics, while the pairing interaction is treated on the static mean-field level. For large coupling g we find reentrant superconductivity which resembles the case with diluted impurities. However, we find evidence that reentrant superconductivity is here not a consequence of many-body correlations leading to the Kondo effect, but it rather stems from a competition between the single-particle hybridization and superconducting pairing. An insight into the spectral functions with in-gap structures is obtained from an approximate noninteracting dual model whose solution interpolates between several exact limits.