On the likely magnesium–iron silicate dusty tails of catastrophically evaporating rocky planets

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Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
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Oxford University Press (OUP)
Catastrophically evaporating rocky planets provide a unique opportunity to study the composition of small planets. The surface composition of these planets can be constrained via modelling their comet-like tails of dust. In this work, we present a new self-consistent model of the dusty tails: we physically model the trajectory of the dust grains after they have left the gaseous outflow, including an on-the-fly calculation of the dust cloud’s optical depth. We model two catastrophically evaporating planets: KIC 1255 b and K2-22 b. For both planets, we find the dust is likely composed of magnesium–iron silicates (olivine and pyroxene), consistent with an Earth-like composition. We constrain the initial dust grain sizes to be ∼ 1.25–1.75 μm and the average (dusty) planetary mass-loss rate to be ∼ 3$\, M_{\oplus } \mathrm{Gyr^{-1}}$. Our model shows that the origin of the leading tail of dust of K2-22 b is likely a combination of the geometry of the outflow and a low radiation pressure force to stellar gravitational force ratio. We find the optical depth of the dust cloud to be a factor of a few in the vicinity of the planet. Our composition constraint supports the recently suggested idea that the dusty outflows of these planets go through a greenhouse effect–nuclear winter cycle, which gives origin to the observed transit depth time variability. Magnesium–iron silicates have the necessary visible-to-infrared opacity ratio to give origin to this cycle in the high mass-loss state.